5 Hollywood Couples that Will Make You Believe in a Lasting Marriage

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5 Hollywood Couples that Will Make You Believe in a Lasting Marriage

Marriage is a bittersweet journey, and many Hollywood marriages have stumbled to a bitter end. Thankfully, we have a few famous marriages that haven’t gone that way.

Annette Bening & Warren Beatty

Beatty’s long list of ex-girlfriends, which includes Madonna, Dianne Keaton, and Brigitte Bardot, is not a secret in Hollywood. His biographer even said that Beatty has slept with almost 13,000 women (Beatty denied this and said it would be “quite a logistical achievement”).

But people were very surprised when he finally decided to settle down with Bening, who is 20 years his junior. The pair met in 1991 while filming Bugsy and got hitched a year later. They have managed to maintain a strong marriage, defying the horrific trend of failed Hollywood marriages.

Warren Beatty
Photo Source: Telegraph.co.uk

Beatty said in an interview: “It didn’t really surprise me. I always felt I wasn’t trying to avoid marriage. I was trying to avoid divorce. I had no doubt when I met Annette that it was time to get married.”

Now that’s the quintessential example of “the right person at the right time."


Ina and Jeffrey Garten

Ina met Jeffrey Garten when she was 15 years old. She married him 5 years later, at the age of 20. Aside from their respective impressive careers, their genuine admiration and confidence in each other make them everybody’s “relationship goals”. Ina credits Jeffrey’s confidence in her for her success. In return, she dotes on him wherever he is. They simply adore each other. Can’t you tell by this book?

Cooking for Jeffery
Photo Source: Food Network

Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones

This celebrity power couple is known for their May-December gap. In 2013, they went through a rough patch that their fans feared would end up in divorce. Douglas was diagnosed with throat cancer while Zeta-Jones underwent treatment for her bipolar disorder.

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones
Photo Source: Mirror.co.uk

But the love they have for each other proved stronger than those obstacles. The couple is still together as of 2017 and happier than ever. Zeta-Jones has a piece of advice for weathering problems: “You’ve got to keep the home fires burning. It’s a long road and I think people today are so quick to throw in the towel.”


Sarah Jessica Parker & Matthew Broderick

If Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin made headlines with their “conscious uncoupling”, Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick weathered trying times in their marriage through “conscious coupling”.

They bought two townhouses and tore the wall between those two, producing a bigger space that allows them to maintain a degree of separation. But that doesn’t mean they’re separated. It’s simply an unconventional approach to settling differences. According to a source, they still spend time together and “sleepover” at each other’s “places”.

Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker
Photo Source: Radaroline.com

There are so many ways to save a marriage. Whatever works for you, do it!


Will Smith & Jada Pinkett-Smith

These two have never been shy in opening up about going through marriage counseling to sort out their problems. According to Will Smith, “What happens in a marriage once you do counseling, the truth comes out. You look at each other and you can't imagine you could ever possibly love each other again now the truth is out.” But they don’t see the “truth” as a deterrent. They consider it an enlightening, pivotal moment since they see things better.

Will and Jada Smith
Photo Source: Ebony.com

He also revealed that they “work on themselves individually and then presented themselves to one another better than they previously were.” The couple sparked rumors of separation in 2016, and while they admitted to seeking counseling, they also categorically insisted that they were not getting a divorce.


Your Marriage, Your Story

In the end, your marriage is what you and your partner make of it. It doesn’t make marriage any less daunting, but let these couples remind you that anything worthwhile never comes easy.